Saturday, August 17, 2013

Chennai Express 2? Shah Rukh Khan confirms he will be doing another film with Rohit Shetty

With their Eid release Chennai Express making the fastest Rs100 crore, both Shah Rukh Khan and Rohit Shetty are naturally rejoicing. And as everyone knows about the B-Town’s love for sequels, seems this one may have one soon in the pipeline.

While there is no confirmation from Rohit, who starts shooting for Singham 2 in December, SRK shares that two are likely to come together for a film again next year. However, that may not be a sequel. “Some other film maybe, inshah Allah!Recently we (Rohit, Deepika Padukone and I) were driving back and we realized that we will not see each other as regularly after all this? And I told them I am feeling bad, as did Rohit and Deepika. So, Rohit asked if he should already start writing something, so that will give us something to look forward to. Even if it’s a year later, Rohit has said he will work on something.”

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