Saturday, May 4, 2013

Pamela Anderson Never Felt Beautiful

Pamela Anderson may be an international sex symbol, but even she has insecurities! The blond beauty and former "Playboy" cover model opened up in a recent interview with BuzzFeed and revealed that despite her public image, she has never considered herself to be beautiful. She admitted, "I don't know if I ever really felt beautiful. I always feel like I don't -- I don't, really."

Pam, who listed Marilyn Monroe, Brigitte Bardot and Sophia Loren among her style icons, also revealed that people have been trying to tone down her over-the-top glamorous appearance ever since her days on "Baywatch." She said, 

"They were insisting that I didn't wear eyelashes, but I said, 'I have my look, this is what I'm comfortable in.'" She added, 

"Sometimes my eyelashes would roll up onto the beach, and that's all that would be left of me. But I was determined to be glamorous. Oh, I loved it, I LOVED it."

And when it came to her beauty motto, the bikini babe had a "go big or go home" attitude. She told BuzzFeed, "I thought, 'If you're going to be on TV, and if you're gonna be out and glamorous, the natural look can stay at home. If we're gonna do this, let's have fun with it!'"

But now that the former "Dancing With the Stars" contestant has reached her mid-40s, she is ready to tone down her sexy look. She explained, "I think it's time, though -- you know, you grow up and you change your look. I feel different from how I did in my "Playboy" days. Now, I think I'm in charge of toning down my look or not."

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