Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Gaga top earning celebrity under 30

Despite hip surgery that forced the cancellation of part of her tour, Lady Gaga still earned an estimated US$80 million in the past year, propelling her to the top of Forbes list of highest earning celebrities under 30 years old.

Canadian pop singer Justin Bieber, who made headlines as much for his antics off stage as on, came in a distant second with an estimated income of US$58 million.

Singer Taylor Swift was third, pulling in US$55 million, about US$2 million less than last year when she topped the list, reports The Straits Times.

The Forbes website said Lady Gaga, 27, would have earned more had she not had to cancel some 20 United States shows starting in February.

Gaga announced earlier this month that she will release her next album ARTPOP on Nov 11.

DJ, songwriter and producer Calvin Harris, who played more than 150 shows from June 2012-June 2013 and earned US$46 million, was fourth on the list, and Barbados-born pop star Rihanna rounded out the top five with earnings of US$43 million.

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